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A simple pronoun "it" has a bit of a bad wrap in the literary world for its overuse.  

According to Google, "it" is defined as follows... 


  1. used to refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified​

  2. used to identify a person.

  3. used in the normal subject position in statements about time, distance, or weather.

  4. used in the normal subject or object position when a more specific subject or object is given later in the sentence.

  5. exactly what is needed or desired.

  6. INFORMAL: appeal.... "He's still got “it.”"

  7. INFORMAL: denoting a person or thing that is exceptionally fashionable, popular, or successful at a particular time... "they were Hollywood's it couple"

  8. (in children's games) the player who has to catch the others.

It. A seemingly insignificant word. Integrated into our lives by thousands of iterations every day. We don’t even notice it’s there. What if it could mean something more? Could that two letter word be a reminder, peppered throughout our daily lives, of something profoundly incredible?


When you see the word “it," what do you immediately think of? If you’re a Millennial, Information Technology may come to mind. If you’re a Boomer, you might recall creepy clowns and a Stephen King novel. A sports fan or movie buff may think of a special player or actor that has an extra presence referred to as the “it” factor. Or perhaps “it” is just another word in your vocabulary. It can be so much more.


There’s no “I” in team. But, in this life, “I” am invited to be half of “it.” Imagine that the “I” represents you personally and the “t” represents the cross of Jesus. Combined together, “it” is a powerful reminder of your relationship with God through Christ.


Jesus Christ, who humbly came to this earth as a sacrifice for us, allowed us to be in a right relationship with God as His beloved children. We can meekly and confidently step into our roles as image bearers of God because of our relationship with Jesus.


Let’s make “it” personal. Let that two letter word be a reminder of the mind-blowing truth that you are loved by the Creator of the Universe through your relationship with Jesus. This truth is something you’ll never want to forget.

There is no "i" in team, but by God's grace, "i" am invited to be half of "it".

it-isms and it-ioms

There are so many phrases and words containing the word "it" in the English language. Some that may have a profound meaning in context and light of your relationship with God through Christ. Here are just a few...

it matters, it happens, it starts here, see it for what it is

  • it does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. Romans 9:16

  • Therefore, as it is written: ‘Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.’ 1 Corinthians 1:31

  • When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘it is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. John 19:31


reflect upon it, soak in it, see it, feel it, breath it, live it.

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